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Monday, February 13, 2012

Disney cars party favor and tarp layout (countdown cont.)

Okay so here's the continuation of my Disney cars party countdown preparation for next month (march 2012).

The invitation that I made last time is just a sample invitation using my nephew's photo's and info. Anyway I'll post here my finish items once I'm done with the invitation together with the real celebrant's photo and info.

Lately my sister and I did some brain storming on what favor are we going to make for the party. So here's what we came up with:

Car key ballpen

plush toy

lollipop hand wash towel

Packaging for the items are DIY :)

And as for the tarp layout, here's the one that I made using the celebrants photo and information.

The celebrant's mom loved the layout that I made for the tarp, so all I need is to print it in 4x4 tarpaulin. As for the party favor the celebrant's mom chose the car key and the hand wash towel lollipop.


Unknown said...

how much the car key ballpen?

jarius said...

i like the tarp layout for my sons bday. how much is it cost?

jarius said...

pls drop me an email at
for the tarp layout design.
i like your design. tnx